Contemporary solutions are
the outcome of exemplary vision

From the Chairman’s Table

Building a nation requires fortified minds brimming with confidence, value system, integrity and the belief to achieve the impossible. Brihaspati Group supports and brings together those strengths and able hands that expend energies in nurturing talent, skill, wordsmanship, ability, a knowledgebase spanning decades of experience for a new era harnessed alongside an attitude to scale newer peaks from those already captured. The 21st Century and more specifically the year 2021 has brought forward an India that the world is looking forward to as a beacon of hope, peace, torchbearer that shall lead the universe through its diversity, yet distinct identity.

About Us

We are a diversified Group with well-defined verticals, operating in the domains of IT product and service, Embedded Technologies, Telecom Infrastructure Services, Media and Entertainment, Infotainment, Film Production, Tourism.


To be the leader in offering innovative out-of-the-box products and solutions, with the application of “Aatmanirbhar” focused offerings, such that every Indian is aspired to emulate us.


Brihaspati Group’s vision is to play a pivotal role in making India totally “Aatmanirbhar” by the end of this decade, by applying the “5E model” on talent engineering –

to Envisage (decrypting the not so obvious),
to Evolve (decoding the solutions),
to Engage (applying the best and the most obvious resource),
to Empower (allowing the resource to work at his/her optimum capacity),

and finally ..
to Execute (seamlessly).

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